Milk, an infinite source
of inspiration and innovation

Innovation central to our development strategy
To keep pace with changing consumer behaviours and limit our impacts on the environment, the Lactalis Group strives to innovate, constantly, at all levels. Local innovations on all five continents, guided by consumer requirements, provide ways to share our expertise.
Creating tomorrow’s products
Meeting future consumer requirements is a daily challenge taken on by our various R&D teams.
At Lactalis, we create and develop solutions for every life stage, from infant to medical nutrition, fresh products to sports supplements.
To provide practical responses to future problems, we work with a multitude of innovation sources. We collaborate with numerous external partners like the INRA, engineering schools, universities and, of course, our suppliers.

Innovation throughout the world at Lactalis is:
22 R&D centres
29 Pilot production lines
Local innovation with global brands
In situating our global brands at local level, we also develop ranges that are specific to each country.
The global Président brand includes a vast range of quintessentially local products. In Eastern Europe, it provides Twaróg, a cheese typical of that part of the world and popular with local families.

Sharing the Lactalis group’s expertise and innovation
On 14 January 2021, the Group launched its first sponsored international chair with Agrocampus Ouest de Rennes: ‘Improving performance for responsible manufacturing’. Organized over a three-year cycle, the chair aims to develop education and research in the area of data science and industrial performance applied to the dairy industry. It hosts international students.
The Lactalis Group is also involved in various school partnerships, such as with IFAG, Audencia or Les Compagnons du Devoir to give young people insight into production methods and consumer behaviours, with respect for each country’s local and cultural specificities.