Health & safety

As a manufacturer, the Group puts particular emphasis on health and safety prevention at work, being determined to achieve the only acceptable targets of zero occupational accidents and zero occupational illness. In 2012, Lactalis introduced a global policy and guidelines that are implemented locally. They target risk management and the development of a health and safety culture. An international network of health and safety leaders supports the managers in delivering that initiative effectively, particularly through site audits.
Within the Lactalis Group, ensuring the health and security of our employees and local partners is essential for all our activities. Beyond that, maintaining the long-term future of our facilities and continuity of our activities is a top priority that is also vital for the communities in which we operate. But guaranteeing the sustainability of our activities goes even further: cultivating integrity and loyalty in our in-house practices and dealings with our stakeholders contributes to the United Nations Global Compact goals on action against corruption in all its forms.
A strong health and safety culture for our staff and operations
In 2021, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic necessitated continued health and safety guidelines reflecting the various waves of the pandemic to keep protecting our employees and continue our activities. The Group’s Health and Safety Policy was renewed in 2021. It now states the Group’s ambition to achieve zero occupational accidents and zero occupational illness with a clear Health and Safety mantra: “No job is ever so urgent or important not to take the time to do it safely.” Consistent with this new policy, a 2025 Health and Safety roadmap has been devised with the aim to reduce the accident frequency rate reported by staff and temps by at least 15% annually. This roadmap is progressively being implemented in the various Lactalis subsidiaries.
Regular Group audits make it possible to ensure the successful implementation of actions targeting compliance with local regulations, Lactalis Health and Safety guidelines and security requirements.
- 24 % the reduction in the accident frequency rate with working days lost recorded in 2021 compared to 2020.
- 16.3 % the fall in the accident frequency rate with and without working days lost recorded in 2021 compared to 2020.